In this results-focused course, property experts Ben and Bryce reveal… 

How to Generate $2,000 in Passive Income Every Week

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 Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Please Wait For Video To Fully Load)

  • 6 In-Depth Case Studies (plus one bonus)
  • Hours of World-Class Property Investment Instruction
  • Follow Proven Roadmaps to Generate $2k a Week
    No Matter Your Experience 
If you’ve ever wanted to invest in property and retire with a passive income,
this course will take the theory in your copy of ‘The Armchair Guide to Property Investing’
and show you how to turn it into your reality. 
  • 6 In-Depth Case Studies
    (plus ONE bonus)
  • Hours of World-Class Property Investment Instruction
  • Follow Proven Roadmaps to Generate $2k a Week
    No Matter Your Experience 
If you’ve ever wanted to invest in property and retire with a passive income,
this course will take the theory in your copy of ‘The Armchair Guide to Property Investing’
and show you how to turn it into your reality. 

Practical Tips to Generate Passive Income 

Step-By-Step Case Study Walkthroughs 

Per Week in
Passive Income 

$2,000 Per Week in Passive Income 

Watch On-Demand Videos

Real Property Investment Strategies 

As Seen On

You’ve heard of the book. Now, this is your invitation to follow the six well-trodden paths (and an additional bonus) from our case studies and apply these lessons to your financial goals. No matter what stage of your life or investment journey, we’ll show you what steps to take next. 
With this course you’ll receive multiple roadmaps to retire on $2k per week using seven life-changing case studies, more than 3 hours of in-depth training lessons, and expert guidance from two of Australia’s leading property investment experts. 

A message from Bryce and Ben

What would $2,000 a week
in passive income mean to you? 

Dear aspiring Australians… 

We hope you've read your copy of ‘The Armchair Guide to Property Investing’

We wanted to ask: What would your life look like with an extra $2,000 a week in passive income? That’s the equivalent of living off a passive $104,000 per year. 

As you instantly launch into one of the country’s highest brackets of retirement earnings, what ways would your life change?  

As authors of the ‘The Armchair Guide to Property Investing’ we wanted to ensure the lessons you’ll learn have practical application so we’ve broken them down into actionable, step-by-step processes anyone can use to go from wherever they are to a comfortable retirement. 

Now, we want to share these same steps with you. We hope to see you inside the course. 

Bryce and Ben. 

A message from Ben and Bryce 

What would $2,000 a week
in passive income mean to you? 

Dear aspiring Australians… 

We’re processing, packing and dispatching your copy of ‘The Armchair Guide to Property Investing’ right now. 

In the meantime, we wanted to ask: What would your life look like with an extra $2,000 a week in passive income? That’s the equivalent of living off a passive $104,000 per year. 

As you instantly launch into one of the country’s highest brackets of retirement earnings, what ways would your life change?  

As authors of the ‘The Armchair Guide to Property Investing’ we wanted to ensure the lessons you’ll learn have practical application so we’ve broken them down into actionable, step-by-step processes anyone can use to go from wherever they are to a comfortable retirement. 

Now, we want to share these same steps with you. Thanks again for your book order and we’ll see you inside the course. 

Bryce and Ben. 

There’s a Harsh Reality
Facing Millions of Australians 

… Including You 

We’ve sent out over 45,187 copies of ‘The Armchair Guide to Property Investing’ already and we’re confident saying that most people turning the pages of our book have ambitious goals for the future. 

The problem is that the Australian landscape paints a very different story of how your wealth will actually take shape. Each year, more and more reports are released suggesting very few of us will have enough savings, superannuation and investments to retire comfortably.  

We’ve sent out over 45,187 copies of ‘The Armchair Guide to Property Investing’ already and we’re confident saying that most people turning the pages of our book have ambitious goals for the future. 

The problem is that the Australian landscape paints a very different story of how your wealth will actually take shape. Each year, more and more reports are released suggesting very few of us will have enough savings, superannuation and investments to retire comfortably.  

Our goal is to help you make small changes today that help your retirement take shape in the background - without sacrificing your lifestyle.  

The sevenindividuals, couples and families we break down in this course have done it, and we want to show you how to do it too.  

Don’t Delay Your Dreams 

Introducing the
‘How to Retire on $2,000 a Week’ Course

Let’s be honest, there’s no shortage of so-called “secret formulas” and get-rich-quick programs available. But if making money was that easy, everyone would be doing it. 

That’s why our armchair approach is about presenting real theories, facts, and strategies in a proven framework that’s easy to understand and even easier to implement. 

This course will show you exactly
what’s required to generate $2,000 per week: 

Try The Course
Risk-Free for 12 Months 

There are no scams here. No smoke and mirrors. No hard sells. Try the course with our 100% risk-free money back guarantee that covers you for the next 12 months.

Watch Each
Case Study Breakdown 

Each video is a short and sharp walkthrough of how everyday Aussies set themselves up for $2,000/week in passive income… and how you can do the same. 

Rinse, Repeat and Retire With $2,000 a Week 

No matter what stage of your personal or financial journey, you can use these case study walkthroughs to move towards your goals today, tomorrow and in the future. 

Try the Course Risk-Free
for 12 Months

*365-Day Money Back Guarantee 

Meet Our Seven Case Studies

Find Your Unique Path to
Passive Income, Financial Security & Comfortable Retirement
No Matter Where You Are in Life 


The single investor dipping their toes in the investment market and stepping onto the property ladder for the first time. 


‘Double Income No Kids’. This growing market usually comprises of mid-30s couples without children or dependents. 

Couple with Young Kids

Got a family? This scenario is about unlocking your home’s equity and putting it to work as you build towards your dream future. 


The single investor dipping their toes in the investment market and stepping onto the property ladder for the first time. 


‘Double Income No Kids’. This growing market usually comprises of mid-30s couples without children or dependents. 

Couple with Young Kids

Got a family? This scenario is about unlocking your home’s equity and putting it to work as you build towards your dream future. 

Older Couple with
Older Kids 

Making up for lost time? No problem. You’re starting a little later than most but there’s still plenty of options on the table.

Empty Nesters 

The kids have flown the nest (ahhh, peaceful) so now it’s time to start on your new path towards financial freedom. 


Facing the challenge of raising a family on a single income? We show you how to protect yourself and grow financially at the same time.


A young millennial with a thirst for travel but doesn't want it to be at the expense of your retirement? This one is for you!

Older Couple with Older Kids 

Making up for lost time? No problem. You’re starting a little later than most but there’s still plenty of options on the table.

Empty Nesters 

The kids have flown the nest (ahhh, peaceful) so now it’s time to start on your new path towards financial freedom. 


Facing the challenge of raising a family on a single income? We show you how to protect yourself and grow financially at the same time.

Single Millenial

A young millennial with a thirst for travel but doesn't want it to be at the expense of your retirement? This one is for you!

Here’s a Fraction of What You’ll Learn
Across Seven Comprehensive Case Study Walkthroughs… 


A 25-year old renter looking to invest in property. 

Find out how Adam can use his $70,000 salary to purchase three investment properties, continue renting in his dream location, and unlock $2,000 per week and the ability to retire at the young age of 55. 


Parents to a young family. 

Find out how David and Liz can provide for their young family and still work towards a target portfolio of four properties without making major sacrifices or harming their all-important household cash flow position. 


Empty nesters building a nest egg.  

Find out how Gary and Nancy can get on the property ladder while using higher yield properties to generate cash flow and still get onto the property ladder even though they’re starting the game later. 


A married couple keen to retire early. 

Find out how Brian and Claire took control of their cash flow to support investment mortgages and build an investment portfolio of three properties, unlocking their chances of an early retirement.  


Parents to a family of three.  

Find out how Harvey and Ingrid’s combined salary can go towards three investment properties (plus an optional fourth) with a weighted focus on growth assets early and a sweet cash cow property down the line. 


A single mum looking to carve out
a better financial future. 

Find out how Olivia can acquire four investment properties even with the lower surplus income she has for investing and pass on a priceless legacy for her daughter to set up the next generation of the family.


A 25-year old renter looking to invest in property. 

Find out how Adam can use his $70,000 salary to purchase three investment properties, continue renting in his dream location, and unlock $2,000 per week and the ability to retire at the young age of 55. 


A married couple keen to retire early. 

Find out how Brian and Claire took control of their cash flow to support investment mortgages and build an investment portfolio of three properties, unlocking their chances of an early retirement.  


Parents to a young family. 

Find out how David and Liz can provide for their young family and still work towards a target portfolio of four properties without making major sacrifices or harming their all-important household cash flow position. 


Parents to a family of three.  

Find out how Harvey and Ingrid’s combined salary can go towards three investment properties (plus an optional fourth) with a weighted focus on growth assets early and a sweet cash cow property down the line. 


Empty nesters building a nest egg.  

Find out how Gary and Nancy can get on the property ladder while using higher yield properties to generate cash flow and still get onto the property ladder even though they’re starting the game later. 


A single mum looking to carve out
a better financial future. 

Find out how Olivia can acquire four investment properties even with the lower surplus income she has for investing and pass on a priceless legacy for her daughter to set up the next generation of the family.


A young millenial with a passion for travel
and a desire for a purposeful life 

Find out how Rachel built and grew her portfolio with flawless cash flow and a smart acquisition strategy.

It’s time to take a proactive step to turn the information in your copy of
‘TAGPI’ into real-world implementation.

Follow along as we walk you through the proven strategies helping everyday Aussie secure comfortable retirements… and how you can do the same

Try the Course Risk-Free
for 12 Months

*365-Day Money Back Guarantee 

Take Advantage of Our Proprietary
‘Wealth Planning Simulator’ 

Each case study puts to work our ‘Wealth Planning Simulator’ that helps everyday Aussie families to make important property investment decisions, and make sense of the complexities of cash flows, offset accounts, taxation and multiple loan accounts, growth and yield forecasts and projections.  

Just a heads-up: the modelling and forecast projections in these case study videos are for Aussie residents and were spot-on as of February 2023. But remember, tax rates can change every year with shifts in the economic and political landscape. So, the tax rates might be different when you're watching. That said, just like in the book, the core principles in these case studies are still solid and relevant.

The book has the theory. This course reveals the nitty gritty behind it and how we've applied our advanced modelling software to the case study's financial situation.

This software is designed for people who are driven to build multiple property portfolios and self-fund their retirement. Today, the program has helped create more than $750 million worth of priceless property investment plans - and we want to show you the exact numbers behind the case study modeling.

The simulator software is exclusive to our Advisory team only and is not offered as part of this course. The reason we're revealing it in the course is so that when you are doing your own modelling you will now know what variables and assumptions to use in your own models for super-accurate results.

Access the course risk-free for the next 12 months and learn the assumptions and variables that can help YOU make sense of your complex finances and fasttrack your property investment goals. 

Here's what you've told us... 

I wish i had found the book earlier
Ben and Bryce make it so easy to follow along and make their strategies easy to understand. I wish i had found the book earlier and had implement the money SMARTS system to be further ahead. Potential updated case studies with today's values, i do understand the markets can change quickly though. 

Dion F.
Great insight into property investing
This book was a great insight to a lot of questions on how why and when. Loved the strategies and case studies and can't wait to start building our own property portfolio. We're near retirement and are happy to see that we can still work towards being a passive income, knowing that we'll have guidance and assistance to help us succeed.

Lisa F
Straightforward, informative and easy to read
Great book very informative and easy to read. My only suggestion would be for the case studies to show a little more detail eg the growth in rental income in dollar terms, cash flow after repayments and how they structured the lending to increase the asset base. 


You asked for it, and we're delivering

We heard you folks! We've been blown away by all the positive feedback we've received about our case studies in the book (some even said it's the best bit!) 
We've taken your input to heart and decided it's time to showcase the nitty gritty behind the numbers! 
But we didn't stop there. Our team has been hard at work, and we're excited to bring you the latest version, complete with new assumptions and variations. 🚀

Try the Course Risk-Free
for 12 Months

*365-Day Money Back Guarantee 

You Get Access to 7 Case Studies,
3+ Hours of Video Education
& Priceless Confidence

What you’ll get when you sign up: 
6 Powerful Case Study Breakdowns 
✓ 1 BONUS Case Study
Watch On-Demand Video Content 
Hours of World-Class Property Investment Instruction 
Free PDF Downloads for each Case Study (with updated variables, assumptions and the before and after charts) 
Additional SEVEN PDF Reports curated just for this course
365-Day Money Back Guarantee 
Free Access to MOORR - the Lifestyle By Design App 
- Free Copy of ‘Make Money Simple Again’(Trap Surplus Cash on Autopilot)
One-Time Payment:


*365-Day Money Back Guarantee 

Hear What Other Readers Have to Say 

Hear What Students
Have to Say 

Authentic, insightful & interesting
This is a brilliant book that offers authentic, easy to action tactics and strategies for investing in property. It's refreshing to come across two experts who are so passionate about their field and have the track record to support their advice. Highly recommend!


Fantastically detailed and well done!

Loved this book. The guys provide a real-life no BS explanation as to how to get in to the property game realistically, without too much risk and advise how to manage expectations and plan to achieve your plan. Great “down to earth” read!

Amazon Customer
Easy to read! Very valuable tips and tricks about the property investment game!
The "Armchair Guide to Property Investing" truly gives the average punter no matter what background and stage of life you're at the skills to be able to build wealth through property investment.

 William Sederino

Authentic, insightful & interesting
This is a brilliant book that offers authentic, easy to action tactics and strategies for investing in property. It's refreshing to come across two experts who are so passionate about their field and have the track record to support their advice. Highly recommend!

Fantastically detailed and well done!

Loved this book. The guys provide a real-life no BS explanation as to how to get in to the property game realistically, without too much risk and advise how to manage expectations and plan to achieve your plan. Great “down to earth” read!

Amazon Customer
Easy to read! Very valuable tips and tricks about the property investment game!
The "Armchair Guide to Property Investing" truly gives the average punter no matter what background and stage of life you're at the skills to be able to build wealth through property investment.

 William Sederino
 Fantastic book
 Fantastic book, really got a lot from it in particular the case study's at the back. This book will ensure we make the right steps when purchasing our next property. 

Cameron M
I'm a big fan of The Property Couch, listening weekly to Ben and Bryce on the podcast. It's been great to tuck into their knowledge in physical form and have a book that we can continue to refer back to. Thanks boys for putting pen to paper and doing what you do week in and week out. Cheers!

Paddy B
Great read!
It was a great read, especially for me looking to invest in my first property, the book had plenty of useful knowledge in terms of what to look for in terms of location, asset selection, and numerous other factors that need to be considered when looking at purchasing property. 

Daniel S
365-Day Money Back Guarantee 

We’re so confident you’ll love this course that it comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you watch our case studies, read ‘The Armchair Guide to Property Investing’ and still feel unsatisfied with the value, we’ll refund you in full. 

Who is This Online Course For?

  • Are you an aspiring property investor ready to start building your multi-million dollar property portfolio? 
  • ​Are you a beginner property investor searching for a proven approach to generating passive income?
  • Are you an experienced property investor looking to expand your investment knowledge and enjoy financial peace for life? 

If you can spot yourself in any of the statements above, then our ‘How to Retire on $2,000 a week’ online course will give you the only practical insights you need to know to safeguard your retirement without sacrificing your here and now.  

Endorsed by Everyday Australians Like You 
Hear what they have to say… 

 The single best Australian property investment book
The information in this book is incredibly valuable and inspiring. I'll definitely be using the methods for cash flow management and the investment strategies outlined in this book to help me get started in the industry. Im looking forward to learning as much as I can from Ben and Bryce and hopefully one day do business with them in the future.

Matthew Brayne
An insightful read
A wonderful read that is jam packed with relevant topics and strategies to leverage from. My wife and I can now embark on our property investment journey much better informed and with the confidence take further action. The unbiased advice and information you guys put out is absolute GOLD. Thank You.

 Bradley McNamara
 100% worth your time.

I bought the physical copy of the Armchair Guide to Property Investing but listened to the whole book via the audio version. I'm a runner, so I listened to it in no time at all. I was utterly addicted. The information was very timely because, as per most of the latest episodes of The Property Couch podcast, Bryce and Ben continuously say to go back and start from the beginning. I have done this, currently up to ep.69, and wouldn't you know it, they articulate the information in the Armchair Guide, right there in the podcast episodes. Both podcast and book versions are 100% worth ingesting if you want to be a successful property investor.

Even though the podcast started in 2015/16, the information is general in nature, but because of the fundamentals they have set, the information is timeless.

Confession. I am a mortgage broker, and I love what I do. This book and the podcast have highlighted things I have been getting right and where I can improve professionally. I now know I shouldn't have sold one of my investment properties. But I didn't know what I didn't know. My journey as a broker has been and will always be fun as I am learning both for myself and my clients. I'm actually starting to recommend the book and the podcast to my clients I think it is that good.

I highly recommend the information you'll get from these guys. I'm 100% addicted. Cheers.

Mikal Howard
 The single best Australian property investment book
The information in this book is incredibly valuable and inspiring. I'll definitely be using the methods for cash flow management and the investment strategies outlined in this book to help me get started in the industry. Im looking forward to learning as much as I can from Ben and Bryce and hopefully one day do business with them in the future.

Matthew Brayne
An insightful read
A wonderful read that is jam packed with relevant topics and strategies to leverage from. My wife and I can now embark on our property investment journey much better informed and with the confidence take further action. The unbiased advice and information you guys put out is absolute GOLD. Thank You.

 Bradley McNamara
 100% worth your time.

I bought the physical copy of the Armchair Guide to Property Investing but listened to the whole book via the audio version. I'm a runner, so I listened to it in no time at all. I was utterly addicted. The information was very timely because, as per most of the latest episodes of The Property Couch podcast, Bryce and Ben continuously say to go back and start from the beginning. I have done this, currently up to ep.69, and wouldn't you know it, they articulate the information in the Armchair Guide, right there in the podcast episodes. Both podcast and book versions are 100% worth ingesting if you want to be a successful property investor.

Even though the podcast started in 2015/16, the information is general in nature, but because of the fundamentals they have set, the information is timeless.

Confession. I am a mortgage broker, and I love what I do. This book and the podcast have highlighted things I have been getting right and where I can improve professionally. I now know I shouldn't have sold one of my investment properties. But I didn't know what I didn't know. My journey as a broker has been and will always be fun as I am learning both for myself and my clients. I'm actually starting to recommend the book and the podcast to my clients I think it is that good.

I highly recommend the information you'll get from these guys. I'm 100% addicted. Cheers.

Mikal Howard

Try the Course Risk-Free
for 12 Months

*365-Day Money Back Guarantee 

Are You Ready to Smash Every Obstacle Standing in the Way of Your $2,000 per Week Passive Income? 

This online course will break down the actionable steps needed for anyone to generate a passive income with easy-to-follow (and easy to replicate) case studies and watch on-demand video tutorials. 

Best of all, it will prepare you for a secure and financially comfortable future without sacrificing the things you love doing today. 
This online course will break down the actionable steps needed for anyone to generate a passive income with easy-to-follow (and easy to replicate) case studies and watch on-demand video tutorials. 

Best of all, it will prepare you for a secure and financially comfortable future without sacrificing the things you love doing today. 

Try the Course Risk-Free
for 12 Months

*365-Day Money Back Guarantee 

This book provides valuable property and finance strategies and tactics that we have vigorously tested and re-tested. Our company, Empower Wealth, which is referenced at times in the book, is a professional financial services company that helps everyday Australians in their wealth building journey. The Property Couch is the educational arm of Integrated Pathways Pty Ltd and we make no claims or representation that by using the fundamentals, tactics and strategies you will successfully build your property portfolio. Testimonials shown are real reviews from readers of The Armchair Guide To Property Investing. 

The Property Couch - © 2023 All Rights Reserved